Source code for django_scim.adapters

Adapters are used to convert the data model described by the SCIM 2.0
specification to a data model that fits the data provided by the application
implementing a SCIM api.

For example, in a Django app, there are User and Group models that do
not have the same attributes/fields that are defined by the SCIM 2.0
specification. The Django User model has both ``first_name`` and ``last_name``
attributes but the SCIM speicifcation requires this same data be sent under
the names ``givenName`` and ``familyName`` respectively.

An adapter is instantiated with a model instance. Eg::

    user = get_user_model().objects.get(id=1)
    scim_user = SCIMUser(user)

from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.urls import reverse
from django import core

from . import constants
from .exceptions import BadRequestError
from .utils import get_base_scim_location_getter
from .utils import get_group_adapter
from .utils import get_user_adapter

class SCIMMixin(object):
    def __init__(self, obj, request=None):
        self.obj = obj
        self._request = request

    def request(self):
        if self._request:
            return self._request

        raise RuntimeError('Adapter is not associated with a request object. '
                           'Set object.request to avoid this error.')

    def request(self, value):
        self._request = value

    def id(self):
        return str(

    def path(self):
        return reverse(self.url_name, kwargs={'uuid':})

    def location(self):
        return urljoin(get_base_scim_location_getter()(self.request), self.path)

    def save(self):

    def delete(self):

    def handle_operations(self, operations):
        The SCIM specification allows for making changes to specific attributes
        of a model. These changes are sent in PUT requests and are batched into
        operations to be performed on a object.Operations could be 'add',
        'remove', 'replace', etc. This method iterates through all of the
        operations in ``operations`` and calls the appropriate handler (defined
        on the appropriate adapter) for each.
        for operation in operations:
            op_code = operation.get('op').lower()
            op_code = 'handle_' + op_code
            handler = getattr(self, op_code)

[docs]class SCIMUser(SCIMMixin): """ Adapter for adding SCIM functionality to a Django User object. This adapter can be overriden; see the ``USER_ADAPTER`` setting for details. """ # not great, could be more decoupled. But \__( )__/ whatevs. url_name = 'scim:users' resource_type = 'User' @property def display_name(self): """ Return the displayName of the user per the SCIM spec. """ if self.obj.first_name and self.obj.last_name: return u'{0.first_name} {0.last_name}'.format(self.obj) return self.obj.username @property def name_formatted(self): return self.display_name @property def emails(self): """ Return the email of the user per the SCIM spec. """ return [{'value':, 'primary': True}] @property def groups(self): """ Return the groups of the user per the SCIM spec. """ group_qs = self.obj.groups.all() scim_groups = [get_group_adapter()(g, self.request) for g in group_qs] dicts = [] for group in scim_groups: d = { 'value':, '$ref': group.location, 'display': group.display_name, } dicts.append(d) return dicts @property def meta(self): """ Return the meta object of the user per the SCIM spec. """ d = { 'resourceType': self.resource_type, 'created': self.obj.date_joined.isoformat(), 'lastModified': self.obj.date_joined.isoformat(), 'location': self.location, } return d
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a ``dict`` conforming to the SCIM User Schema, ready for conversion to a JSON object. """ d = { 'schemas': [constants.SchemaURI.USER], 'id':, 'userName': self.obj.username, 'name': { 'givenName': self.obj.first_name, 'familyName': self.obj.last_name, 'formatted': self.name_formatted, }, 'displayName': self.display_name, 'emails': self.emails, 'active': self.obj.is_active, 'groups': self.groups, 'meta': self.meta, } return d
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): """ Consume a ``dict`` conforming to the SCIM User Schema, updating the internal user object with data from the ``dict``. Please note, the user object is not saved within this method. To persist the changes made by this method, please call ``.save()`` on the adapter. Eg:: scim_user.from_dict(d) """ username = d.get('userName') self.obj.username = username or '' first_name = d.get('name', {}).get('givenName') self.obj.first_name = first_name or '' last_name = d.get('name', {}).get('familyName') self.obj.last_name = last_name or '' emails = d.get('emails', []) primary_emails = [e['value'] for e in emails if e.get('primary')] emails = primary_emails + emails email = emails[0] if emails else None = email cleartext_password = d.get('password') if cleartext_password: self.obj.set_password(cleartext_password) active = d.get('active') if active is not None: self.obj.is_active = active
[docs] @classmethod def resource_type_dict(cls, request=None): """ Return a ``dict`` containing ResourceType metadata for the user object. """ id_ = cls.resource_type path = reverse('scim:resource-types', kwargs={'uuid': id_}) location = urljoin(get_base_scim_location_getter()(request), path) return { 'schemas': [constants.SchemaURI.RESOURCE_TYPE], 'id': id_, 'name': 'User', 'endpoint': reverse('scim:users'), 'description': 'User Account', 'schema': constants.SchemaURI.USER, 'meta': { 'location': location, 'resourceType': 'ResourceType' } }
[docs] def handle_replace(self, operation): """ Handle the replace operations. """ attr_map = { 'familyName': 'last_name', 'givenName': 'first_name', 'userName': 'username', 'active': 'is_active', } attrs = operation.get('value', {}) for attr, attr_value in attrs.items(): if attr in attr_map: setattr(self.obj, attr_map.get(attr), attr_value) elif attr == 'emails': primary_emails = [e for e in attr_value if e.get('primary')] if primary_emails: email = primary_emails[0].get('value') elif attr_value: email = attr_value[0].get('value') else: raise BadRequestError('Invalid email value') try: validator = core.validators.EmailValidator() validator(email) except core.exceptions.ValidationError: raise BadRequestError('Invalid email value') = email else: raise NotImplementedError('Not Implemented')
[docs]class SCIMGroup(SCIMMixin): """ Adapter for adding SCIM functionality to a Django Group object. This adapter can be overriden; see the ``GROUP_ADAPTER`` setting for details. """ # not great, could be more decoupled. But \__( )__/ whatevs. url_name = 'scim:groups' resource_type = 'Group' @property def display_name(self): """ Return the displayName of the group per the SCIM spec. """ return @property def members(self): """ Return a list of user dicts (ready for serialization) for the members of the group. :rtype: list """ users = self.obj.user_set.all() scim_users = [get_user_adapter()(user, self.request) for user in users] dicts = [] for user in scim_users: d = { 'value':, '$ref': user.location, 'display': user.display_name, } dicts.append(d) return dicts @property def meta(self): """ Return the meta object of the group per the SCIM spec. """ d = { 'resourceType': self.resource_type, 'location': self.location, } return d
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a ``dict`` conforming to the SCIM User Schema, ready for conversion to a JSON object. """ return { 'schemas': [constants.SchemaURI.GROUP], 'id':, 'displayName': self.display_name, 'members': self.members, 'meta': self.meta, }
[docs] def from_dict(self, d): """ Consume a ``dict`` conforming to the SCIM Group Schema, updating the internal group object with data from the ``dict``. Please note, the group object is not saved within this method. To persist the changes made by this method, please call ``.save()`` on the adapter. Eg:: scim_group.from_dict(d) """ name = d.get('displayName') = name or ''
[docs] @classmethod def resource_type_dict(cls, request=None): """ Return a ``dict`` containing ResourceType metadata for the group object. """ id_ = cls.resource_type path = reverse('scim:resource-types', kwargs={'uuid': id_}) location = urljoin(get_base_scim_location_getter()(request), path) return { 'schemas': [constants.SchemaURI.RESOURCE_TYPE], 'id': id_, 'name': 'Group', 'endpoint': reverse('scim:groups'), 'description': 'Group', 'schema': constants.SchemaURI.GROUP, 'meta': { 'location': location, 'resourceType': 'ResourceType' } }
[docs] def handle_add(self, operation): """ Handle add operations. """ if operation.get('path') == 'members': members = operation.get('value', []) ids = [int(member.get('value')) for member in members] users = get_user_model().objects.filter(id__in=ids) if len(ids) != users.count(): raise BadRequestError('Can not add a non-existent user to group') for user in users: self.obj.user_set.add(user) else: raise NotImplemented
[docs] def handle_remove(self, operation): """ Handle remove operations. """ if operation.get('path') == 'members': members = operation.get('value', []) ids = [int(member.get('value')) for member in members] users = get_user_model().objects.filter(id__in=ids) if len(ids) != users.count(): raise BadRequestError('Can not remove a non-existent user from group') for user in users: self.obj.user_set.remove(user) else: raise NotImplemented
[docs] def handle_replace(self, operation): """ Handle the replace operations. """ if operation.get('path') == 'name': name = operation.get('value')[0].get('value') = name else: raise NotImplemented