Source code for django_scim.utils

import json

from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlunparse

from .settings import scim_settings

[docs]def get_user_adapter(): """ Return the user model adapter. """ return scim_settings.USER_ADAPTER
[docs]def get_group_model(): """ Return the group model. """ return scim_settings.GROUP_MODEL
[docs]def get_group_adapter(): """ Return the group model adapter. """ return scim_settings.GROUP_ADAPTER
[docs]def get_service_provider_config_model(): """ Return the Service Provider Config model. """ return scim_settings.SERVICE_PROVIDER_CONFIG_MODEL
[docs]def get_base_scim_location_getter(): """ Return a function that will, when called, returns the base location of scim app. """ return scim_settings.BASE_LOCATION_GETTER
[docs]def get_all_schemas_getter(): """ Return a function that will, when called, returns the base location of scim app. """ return scim_settings.SCHEMAS_GETTER
[docs]def get_extra_model_filter_kwargs_getter(model): """ Return a function that will, when called, returns the base location of scim app. """ return scim_settings.GET_EXTRA_MODEL_FILTER_KWARGS_GETTER(model)
[docs]def get_extra_model_exclude_kwargs_getter(model): """ Return a function that will, when called, returns the base location of scim app. """ return scim_settings.GET_EXTRA_MODEL_EXCLUDE_KWARGS_GETTER(model)
[docs]def default_base_scim_location_getter(request=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the default location of the app implementing the SCIM api. """ base_scim_location_parts = ( scim_settings.SCHEME, scim_settings.NETLOC, '', # path '', # params '', # query '' # fragment ) base_scim_location = urlunparse(base_scim_location_parts) return base_scim_location
[docs]def default_get_extra_model_filter_kwargs_getter(model): """ Return a **method** that will return extra model filter kwargs for the passed in model. :param model: """ def get_extra_filter_kwargs(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Return extra filter kwargs for the given model. :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :rtype: dict """ return {} return get_extra_filter_kwargs
[docs]def default_get_extra_model_exclude_kwargs_getter(model): """ Return a **method** that will return extra model exclude kwargs for the passed in model. :param model: """ def get_extra_exclude_kwargs(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Return extra exclude kwargs for the given model. :param request: :param args: :param kwargs: :rtype: dict """ return {} return get_extra_exclude_kwargs
def clean_structure_of_passwords(obj): if isinstance(obj, dict): new_obj = {} for key, value in obj.items(): if 'password' in key.lower(): new_obj[key] = '*' * len(value) if value else None else: new_obj[key] = clean_structure_of_passwords(value) return new_obj elif isinstance(obj, list): return [clean_structure_of_passwords(item) for item in obj] else: return obj def get_loggable_body(text): if not text: return text try: obj = json.loads(text) except: return text obj = clean_structure_of_passwords(obj) return json.dumps(obj)